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29-01-2024 | read

Shri Ramesh Babu V, Director (Operations), inaugurated ViSPARC, the Virtual Systems and Process Automation Resource Centre of NTPC Corporate Operation Services, on 27th January 2024 at WR-II Headquarters, Nava Raipur.

ViSPARC is a state-of-the-art facility for training, development, simulation and testing in the area of Control Systems. This versatile lab is equipped with various virtual DCS platforms. 

The facility empowers C&I engineers to quickly learn functionalities of different control systems, including networking and OT security concepts. This also gives a platform to verify and test control logics in a simulated environment, helping in competency enhancement across the company.

This facility is powered by two high-end servers at the back-end, and is capable of training 10 participants at a time. The trainings shall be imparted in association with RLI-Simhadri, which is the nodal RLI for C&I. This lab also assists in product development in Open Platform Automation Systems.